The Sun is more than 3,00,000 times larger than the size of the Earth, which means
1 million Earths could fit inside the sun.
»Space is absolutely silent a there’s no atmosphere for sound to travel through!
»There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth.
It is believed that there are between 200-400 billion stars just in the Milky Way galaxy.
»Our solar system is a very, very tiny part of it.
»In the observable universe, there are about 100 billiong galaxieslike the Milky Way.
There could be around 100 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone! If you say highest mountain known to man is Mount Everest, you are partially correct. Mount Everest is the
highest mountain on Earth, but the highest mountain known to man is actually present on an asteroid called Vesta and is 22km in height thrice as big as Everestp
»Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system and has an average surface temperature of around 450 C. Interestingly, Venus is not the closest planet to the Sun.
Mercury is closer but because Mercury has no atmosphere to regulate temperature it has very large temperature fluctuation.
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