About boreal forest


Boreal Forest actually has another name.

About boreal forest

Its scientific name is Taiga Biome. A biome is a large community of plant and animal life, living in a major natural habitat, like a forest or lake. Taiga actually comes from a Russian word to describe the swampy nature of the forest in summer.

Taiga Biome isn’t just a biome. In fact, it’s the world’s largest biome, apart from oceans. That makes it the world’s biggest land-based biome.

The Boreal Forest grows in many countries, including Canada, Alaska, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, and the northern parts of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Japan!

Boreal Forest actually forms a massive 29 % of the entire world’s forest cover. Impressive right? That’s why it’s super important to look after it.

The Boreal Forest in Canada alone is home to 84 different species of mammals, 130 species of fish, around 32,000 species of insects, and 300 species of birds.

It can get very cold in the boreal forest, especially in Russia. In fact, the lowest ever recorded temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were taken in the Boreal Forest of northeastern Russia.

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